The Nomination Application allows users nominate for the supported Demand Response (DR) programs. However, because SCE and PG&E required detailed nomination data such as expected load drop by customer (i.e., Tech Potential), using the UI for nominations is not feasible. Instead, aggregators are required to utilize a batch upload for submitting program nominations.
Nomination Report: Batch Upload Template
The first step to nominating via the batch upload is to run the Nomination Verification report under the Reports menu bar option (see below). This report will serve as a template for batch uploading your nominations.
The Nomination Verification report will list all of the enrolled customers in your portfolio who are eligible to be nominated in the upcoming nomination period. After you run the report, save the Nomination Verification report as a .CSV file by clicking the floppy disk icon and selecting CSV and saving it to your local drive.
Entering Nomination Data
After downloading the Nomination Verification report as a template you fill out the template by updating various columns at the right of the report. At a a minimum, you will need to fill in Product, Baseline Option, Nominate, Monthly Portfolio Nomination MW, and Tech Potential KW columns.
Note - Records for customers nominated in the previous month will have data automatically populated with the previous month's data. You will still need to confirm the nomination by adding "Yes" under the Nominate column. Rows without "Yes" will be ignored and not nominated.
Note1 - The External ID is optional for only CBPPGE and one of SCE's LCR contracts. This column will show on the template for CBPSCE but can just be left blank. This is used to group customers that are in the same product and location portfolio so they can be registered with CAISO separately even though they have the same location and product. The suggestion is to use something like "Group A" and "Group B" to differentiate but aggregators can choose to enter in whatever makes sense to them.
Note2 - For PG&E on the reports:
SAID = reference_id
UUID = service_account
Enter the appropriate product options under the Product column. CBP products are listed below. Specific DRC/AMP products options can be obtained from the program administrator.
Note3: Can only nominate valid program/product/baseline combinations.
The valid PG&E CBP product options are:
- Nomination Month: May
- Elect DA 1-4 (5PM-10PM)
- Elect DA 1-4 (5PM-10PM) Saturdays
- Nomination Month: June-September
- Elect DA 1-4 (4PM-9PM)
- Elect DA 1-4 (4PM-9PM) Saturdays
- Nomination Month: October (weekdays only)
- Elect DA 1-4 (4PM-9PM)
Valid PG&E CBP Baseline Options are:
- Weekdays:
- 10/10 Baseline: No Adjustment
- 10/10 Baseline: Day of Adjustment (40% Cap)
- 5/10 Residential Baseline: Day of Adjustment
- Weekends:
- 4/4 Baseline: No Adjustment
- 4/4 Baseline: Day of Adjustment
- 3/5 Residential Baseline: No Adjustment
- 3/5 Residential Baseline: Day of Adjustment
The Valid SCE product options are:
- Nomination Months: May – September
- CBP Saturday Economic
- CBP Emergency
- Nomination Month: October
- CBP Emergency
- Nomination Months: May – September
Demand Response Contracts (DRC)
- Contact an APX DR Admin to find out the specific products
Valid SCE Baseline Options are:
- Weekdays:
- 10/10 Baseline: No Adjustment
- 10/10 Baseline: Day of Adjustment (40% Cap)
- 5/10 Residential Baseline: Day of Adjustment
- Weekends & Emergencies:
- 4/4 Baseline: No Adjustment
- 4/4 Baseline: Day of Adjustment
- 3/5 Residential Baseline: Weighted
- Weekdays:
- MGO: No Adjustment
- 5/10 Baseline: Day of Adjustment
- 10/10 Baseline: Day Of Adjustment ELRP
The Nominated MW identifies your nomination for a given portfolio or grouping of customers defined by program rules. Grouping for both CBP utility programs are now done at the same level; Location and Product. The MW value must be the same for all customers/rows that are in the same portfolio or group. The image below is an example of a portfolio that is grouped by Location and Product. Contact your SCE or PG&E program manager for more information about how customers are grouped into portfolios or aggregated resources.
For PG&E CBP, the minimum MW nomination must be 0.1 MW, except for the Prescribed product options, which can be a minimum of 0.025 MW.
PG&E Customer IDs with Leading Zeros
Prior to uploading the .CSV file please verify all the UUID’s (Service Accounts) are 10 digits long because typically editing a .CSV file in Excel drops off the leading zeros and a ID of 0123456789 will be converted to 123456789. Any Service Accounts with less than 10 digits are missing the leading zero. Please add back the leading zeros for any UUID’s (Service Accounts) that are less than 10 digits. To do so add an apostrophe before the zero and save the .CSV file. See the screenshot below.
Uploading Your Nominations
Once, you have completed the nomination file, Navigate to the Nomination Import tab on the Nomination Application.
Once on the Import tab fill out the desired Program, Participant, File Type (Nomination File), and Trade month necessary for the nomination file and select the CSV nomination file saved to your local drive. After verifying all the correct selection criteria click the import button to upload your nomination file into the APX MarketSuite.
Note4: Uploading the nomination file flushes and loads the current nominations for the selected nomination period. So if additional nominations need to be included but nominations were done previously then the previous nominations should be included new file. Please verify nominations via the reports after successfully uploading the nomination file.
Note5:If the nomination windows are not opened then the Trade Month selection will prompt a message stating “Nomination Window Closed”.
Common Nomination Upload Errors
If you see the error below it indicates that the SA's listed are registered as an MPP. Aggregators can verify by running the "Registered Meter" report for CBP PG&E and the "Service Account Status" report of CBP SCE and checking the MPP column to see what they are registered with.
Verifying Your Nominations
Verify your nominations through the use of the Monthly Meter Nomination and Monthly Portfolio Nomination reports. The Monthly Meter Nomination report will provide the list of customers nominated for the given month. The Monthly Portfolio Nomination report will provide the Nominated MWs. Both reports provide historic data for previous nominations.
If your nominations appear to be correct on these reports, your nominations have been successful. There is no need to contact the Utility or APX to confirm.