APX MarketSuite captures aggregator bids for PG&E's CBP Elect and Elect + products. This article describes how to submit bids and review submitted bids.
Bid File Template
The PGE Monthly Portfolio Bidding Template report serves as the template for batch uploading your resource bids. The first step is to view the report and then download it as a csv.
Note: before bids can be submitted, PG&E must update MarketSuite with CAISO Resource IDs. If you do not see the Resource IDs in the Dispatch ID column of the report, bids cannot be submitted. PG&E should provide the Resource IDs before the bid window is open. Please contact PG&E or APX Administrators if you do not see the Resource IDs after the bid window has been opened.
The template format allows you the ease to submit a single price (column O) for an entire month. It also provides you with flexibility to submit different prices for different date ranges. To submit different prices, simply make a copy of the row/resource you wish to submit different prices for and adjust the Begin and End Date columns to correspond to the dates you with to have the desired prices. The only values/columns that should be updated in the template are the Begin Date, End Date, and Price columns.
In the screen shot below, there are three resources. The first two rows represent a $100 bid price for resource PGCC_1_DRP09 for the dates of August 1 - August 15 and a $150 bid price for the resource for dates August 16 - August 31. Note, the system will automatically set the bid price to $0 for non program dates (i.e., weekends and holidays).
CBP Program Bidding Rules and Validations
- The batch upload submission requires bids are submitted for all program hours within a day for resources. I.e., if the program hours are 1PM- 9PM, then you must submit bids covering at least those hours.
- Bid price and MW for a resource must be the same for entire day.
- Additional Elect + bid hours must be consecutive with program hours. E.g., bids for 1AM - 3AM and program hours 1PM - 9PM would not be allowed.
- Bidding must be for the same MW as nominated.
- Bid price must be between the net benefit test (NBT) minimum and CAISO price ceiling ($1000) The NBT can be found on the CAISO website here.
Batch Upload
Once the file contents have been updated, you will upload the file into the system by navigating to the File Upload UI. Select File Upload from the Applications menu to access the File Upload UI. If you do not see the File Upload selection in the menu, please contact your APX program administration to add the appropriate rights to your login profile.
The File Upload UI will be displayed with the upload parameters displayed across the top of the UI. Select CBP-PG&E as the Region for all PG&E form types. Select Demand Response as the Category and Aggregator Resource Bids as the File Type. The Begin Date is assigned to the file to allow you to find/view it again when pressing the Find Uploaded Files button. Otherwise the date selected is insignificant.
Confirming Bids
You can confirm your bids were submitted successfully by viewing the PGE Portfolio Bidding report. If the bids are listed in the report, they were submitted successfully. Contact your APX program administrator if you have further questions or the submitted bids do not appear as expected.
This report displays your bids in an hourly format so you may want to download the report to do a detailed review.