The valid PG&E CBP product options are:
- Elect DA 1-4 (1PM-9PM)
- Elect DA 1-8 (1PM-9PM)
- Elect DA 2-6 (1PM-9PM)
- Elect DA 1-4 (1PM-9PM) with Weekends
- Elect DA 1-8 (1PM-9PM) with Weekends
- Elect DA 2-6 (1PM-9PM) with Weekends
- Elect Plus DA 1-24 (1PM-9PM)
- Elect Plus DA 1-24 (1PM-9PM) with Weekends
- Prescribed DA 1-4 (1PM-9PM)
- Prescribed DA 2-6 (1PM-9PM)
- Prescribed DA 1-4 (1PM-9PM) with Weekends
Prescribed DA 2-6 (1PM-9PM) with Weekends
The Valid SCE CBP product options are:
- DA 1-6 Hour
- DO 1-6 Hour
Other programs will have different product options. Please contact the APX Administrator if you are not familiar with the product options for the programs you are participating in.